
Why would US give away power to WHO?

3 years ago Editor 0
The U.S. treaty process is tricky, and we already have a treaty with the WHO. They are trying to give away authority over US healthcare to the WHO by amending the treaty. If the amendments that have already been submitted are approved on May 22-28th then the US will have given its sovereignty away. Don’t Read More

New California hosts ‘2000 Mules’ screening

3 years ago Editor 0
Saturday evening, Linda Quinlan of the organization New California coordinated the screening of the new Dinesh D’Souza film ‘2000 Mules’ at the Republican Headquarters in Atascadero. James Baugh, candidate for San Luis Obispo county clerk recorder, also spoke prior to the event.A little over 100 people filled all the available seats, and movie theaters across Read More

Blue State Mass Migration

4 years ago Editor 0 Read More

Creekside Refreshment of the Soul

4 years ago Editor 0
Harmony, Friendship & Love on the Central Coast Column. Picking up where others left off. Helping each other is a fundamental tenet of any friendship. In our busy lives, we often create gaps that the brush strokes of life miss. When painting a landscape and you find that you don’t have enough green it is Read More

Insurection at the Capitol

4 years ago Editor 0
On January 20th, 2021, the US capitol experienced a wave of far left extremists displaying a violent and unprovoked attack on the peaceful republic of America. The insurrectionists took the capitol and declared themselves the new government and immediately started to command the US military to support the coup. The far left facist dictator, Joe Read More

Joe Biden Inaugurated as POTUS

4 years ago Editor 0
Joe Biden takes this oath of office on January 20th, 2021 making him the 46th president of the United States of America. His inaguaration ceremony was held in outside of the capitol building where just weeks before a large crowd estimated at 1 million people rallied in support of President Donald J. Trump. A small Read More