
Hijacking language

5 years ago Editor 0
Example of how socialists hijack language A journalist may normally write: “Just as the San Luis Obispo City Council was preparing to approve a new clean energy choice law, the vote has been delayed to consider a conflict-of-interest claim.” Notice how the name of the law almost makes the journalist advocate for it. This is Read More

Voter Fraud: Linda Paine of Election Integrity Project draws crowd

6 years ago Editor 0
Voter fraud in California has been repeatedly denied or downplayed by officials responsible for voter integrity. The problem is that those responsible for election integrity don’t have any incentive to prove that they are doing a poor job. Step in Linda Paine the driving force behind Election integrity project (and website to shine a Read More

Atascadero Honors Fallen During Ceremony at Faces of Freedom Memorial

7 years ago Editor 0
The city of Atascdadero hosted the traditional memorial day ceremony at the faces of freedom this Monday, May 28th from 12pm to 1pm with an open barbecue afterwards. The ceremony started with a flyover of vintage planes and then the presentation of the colors and a marching band of bagpipe players. Dick Mason, a local Read More

Memorial Day honoring the fallen at Faces of Freedom

8 years ago Editor 0
Memorial day is a day of honoring those who have fallen in the battles for freedom. We often think of those men and women who gave their lives for our way of life much to sell them. People nearly filled the small park in front of the faces of freedom to honor those fallen man Read More