Yes on 6 Bus brings Carl DeMaio to Atascadero

6 years ago Editor 0

The large Yes on 6 Bus rolled into Atascadero at about 1:30pm to spectacular weather at the Atascadero Sunken Gardens this October 20th. Carl DeMaio and Konstantinos Roditis, who is running for Californa Controller, this midterm election strolled out to meet a crowd who put personal errands and task on hold to show support for the effort. Carl DeMaio is heading up the Yes on 6 campaign to repeal the recent SB1 legislation that added one of the highest fuel and registration taxes put into law in California history.  SB1 was passed in April 2017 by the Democrat legislature and Governor Jerry Browns energetic support and signature even though Brown pledged not to raise taxes without voter approval. The Yes on 6 rally appeared to have approximately 150 people energetically waving signs and supporting the effort to repeal the gas tax. Objectors to the repeal are framing the it as though the repeal would take money away from roads services. However, Carl DeMaio has made the point that there is ample money in many of the other funds raised for road repairs available to the state to use. Carl DeMaio has traveled all over the state trying to hit as many towns as possible to educate people on Proposition 6 and what it means to vote yes.


The SB1 overwhelmingly unpopular tax has been argued as a wasteful spending measure to enable politicians to continue wasteful spending practices. The Central Coast Taxpayers Association Along with many other supporters such as the North County Tea Party, Republican women’s federated, the Republican Party of San Luis Obispo, as well as others support the repeal of the law. According to DeMaio the funds being raised by SP1 are already being diverted to projects such as the high-speed rail project which is over budjet and not expected to be self sustaining.  High speed rail was never the intended use of the funds under the transportation bill. The Proposition 6 title was also tinkered with by California’s secretary of State, Alex Padilla leaving the title sounding as though cuts were being made instead of a repeal. The current title is; “Eliminates certain road repair and transportation funding. Requires certain fuel taxes and vehicle fees be approved by the electorate. Initiative constitutional Amendment”. There is no mention of repeal of SB1.  Secretary Padilla’s office was sued for other title and summary deceptions where the gas tax repeal was an issue.  Reform California – Yes on 6 sent out an Election Ballot “Correction” advertisment to help alleviate confusion with a corected title for the Prop 6 as “Proposition 6: Gas Tax Repeal Initiative”. There were several people from the organizations who spoke, one was candidate Konstantios Roditis for state controller. He spoke on the legality of using funds for non-intended purposes and as the controller he would have authority to stop funding for projects not within the scope of the funding intention such as the unpopular and expensive high speed rail project. Also, speaking on behalf of the central coast taxpayers association was Andrea Seastrand, a staple of the San Luis Obispo Central Coast political scene. She has been fighting for lower taxes and more government accountability for decades.