Huffington Post – Accessory to “Hoax”?

6 years ago Editor 0

excerpt from 2015 huffington post article at

If you’re trying to wrap your head around climate change, don’t consult Donald Trump.

“I am not a believer,” the Republican presidential candidate said on a radio show in September. “Unless somebody can prove something to me, I believe there’s weather.”

Sadly, Trump isn’t alone. Even as world leaders prepare to convene in Paris later this month for the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change with the goal of reaching a new agreement for reducing carbon emissions, a vocal minority of policymakers continue to deny that the problem even exists.

Although 97 percent of climate scientists insist climate change is real and caused by human actions, 56 percent of Republicans in Congress deny these atmospheric changes, according to Think Progress. Some conservative commentators have gone so far as to describe climate change as a “hoax.”

Yet the facts are undeniable. Sea levels and global temperatures are rising (this year is on track to become the hottest on record), glaciers are melting, and ice sheets are shrinking at unprecedented rates. CO2 levels have also shot up dramatically since the Industrial Revolution — suggesting these events are very likely a product of human activities.

End Citation

Well let’s break this down.

First statement; “If you’re trying to wrap your head around climate change, don’t consult Donald Trump.”

Translation; “don’t consult anyone who disagrees with us”

Second Statement; ““I am not a believer,” the Republican presidential candidate said on a radio show in September. “Unless somebody can prove something to me, I believe there’s weather.”

Translaton; “Donald Trump wants proof before he believes something is true.”

Third Statment; “Although 97 percent of climate scientists insist climate change is real and caused by human actions, 56 percent of Republicans in Congress deny these atmospheric changes, according to Think Progress. Some conservative commentators have gone so far as to describe climate change as a “hoax.”

Translation; “Using a very narrow poll that has been repeatedly debunked (here is a great article overviewing the fraud) we will then cite a politically left and biased site on what Republicans think. Then throw in a statement that makes conservatives seem fringe because the word “hoax” is going too far to describe a hoax.

Fourth Statement; “Yet the facts are undeniable. Sea levels and global temperatures are rising (this year is on track to become the hottest on record), glaciers are melting, and ice sheets are shrinking at unprecedented rates. CO2 levels have also shot up dramatically since the Industrial Revolution — suggesting these events are very likely a product of human activities.”

Translation; “Using easily discredited studies that are very deniable, we will make false statements and in a very unscientific way link them to human causes.”

It is very easy to see that writers at the Huffington Post are not working toward truth, but an agenda. If an agenda is what you want, then blindly follow the truth you want to be true. However, if you want the real deal. The red pill. Then you will have to decide if the agenda is really a utopia of ideas by people smarter than you and willing to give everything up for your sake or just a ruse.

By the way, they only want to crush, hurt, and destroy the people who oppose you. Isn’t that right? Indeed, what could go wrong?